Georgia: The Historic Debut in the 2024 European Championship

Georgia, a nation with a deep passion for football and a rich cultural heritage, is set to make its historic debut in a major international competition at the 2024 European Championship. This milestone represents a significant achievement for Georgian football and is a source of immense national pride.


The journey of the Georgian national team to their first European Championship is marked by resilience, determination, and the unifying power of sport amid the challenges faced by the country. Georgia, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has a long history of football, with the sport being one of the most popular in the country.


However, the national team has often faced challenges in qualifying for major tournaments. The 2024 European Championship marks Georgia’s first appearance in a major international competition, a testament to the progress and development of football in the country.


The path to Euro 2024 was not easy for Georgia. The team, managed by Willy Sagnol, a former French international, demonstrated remarkable improvement and resilience throughout the qualifying rounds. The squad features a mix of experienced players and emerging talents, including captain Guram Kashia, creative midfielder Tornike Okriashvili, and promising young forward Khvicha Kvaratskhelia, who is seen as one of the brightest prospects in Georgian football.



Georgia’s qualification for the 2024 European Championship was a story of grit and determination. The team was placed in a challenging qualifying group but managed to secure key victories and crucial points through disciplined performances and a strong team spirit. A significant moment came in their playoff match against Belarus, where Georgia secured a historic 1-0 victory, thanks to a goal from Okriashvili, securing their place in the tournament.


The excitement and anticipation for Euro 2024 are palpable across Georgia. The tournament represents a dream come true for Georgian football fans, who have long awaited the opportunity to see their national team compete on the biggest stage. The participation in Euro 2024 also provides an opportunity to showcase Georgia’s footballing talent and the progress the nation has made in the sport.


As debutants, Georgia faces a tough challenge in the group stage, where they are placed in a competitive group alongside established footballing nations. However, the team is determined to make a strong impression and is prepared to embrace the underdog role, drawing inspiration from the unity and passion of their supporters.


Georgia’s journey to Euro 2024 began with a challenging qualifying campaign. The team demonstrated resilience and tactical discipline, securing key victories against stronger opponents. The standout moment was their playoff victory against Belarus, which secured their place in the tournament. This historic win was celebrated passionately across Georgia, symbolizing the team’s determination and the nation’s footballing aspirations.



The Georgian squad for Euro 2024 features a blend of experienced players and young talents. Guram Kashia, the team captain, provides leadership and stability in defense, while Tornike Okriashvili offers creativity and vision in midfield. Khvicha Kvaratskhelia, one of the most promising young players in Europe, is expected to be a key figure in Georgia’s attacking play. The team is managed by Willy Sagnol, whose experience and tactical acumen have been crucial in Georgia’s successful qualification campaign.


In preparation for Euro 2024, Georgia has focused on building a cohesive and resilient team. Friendly matches against other European teams have provided valuable experience and allowed the team to refine their tactics. The focus has been on developing a strong defensive structure, quick transitions, and effective use of set-pieces. The team is also mentally prepared to handle the pressure of their first major tournament, drawing strength from the support of their passionate fans.


Georgia’s debut in the European Championship will be marked by tough group stage matches against established footballing nations. The team is prepared to embrace the underdog role, using their resilience and tactical discipline to compete against more experienced opponents. The goal is to advance to the knockout stages and make a memorable impact in their first major tournament.


The participation in Euro 2024 is a watershed moment for Georgian football. The success in qualifying and the opportunity to compete in a major tournament have provided a significant boost to national pride and the development of the sport in the country. The exposure and experience gained from playing against Europe’s best teams will be invaluable for the growth of Georgian football.



The success of the national team has inspired a new generation of young footballers in Georgia. The visibility of the team on the international stage and the achievements of players like Kvaratskhelia have motivated aspiring footballers to pursue their dreams. The investment in youth development and football infrastructure is expected to increase, providing better facilities and opportunities for young talents.


The success of the national team in qualifying for Euro 2024 has led to increased investment in football infrastructure and development programs. The focus is on improving training facilities, coaching standards, and youth academies to ensure the continued growth of the sport in Georgia. The long-term goal is to establish Georgia as a competitive footballing nation in Europe.


Football has the power to unite people, and the national team’s participation in Euro 2024 has brought Georgians together. The sense of pride and excitement surrounding the tournament has created a strong sense of national unity. The team’s journey is seen as a symbol of hope and resilience, reflecting the spirit of the Georgian people.


Players like Guram Kashia, Tornike Okriashvili, and Khvicha Kvaratskhelia have become role models for young Georgians. Their dedication, hard work, and success on the international stage inspire young players to strive for excellence. The visibility of these players in Euro 2024 will further elevate their status as national heroes.



As Georgia prepares for EURO 2024, the story of their historic debut serves as a powerful source of inspiration. The current generation of Georgian players can draw on the resilience, determination, and unity that defined their journey to the tournament. The narrative of their qualification highlights the importance of believing in one’s potential and playing with heart and conviction.


The lessons learned from their qualifying campaign, including the value of strong leadership, teamwork, and composure under pressure, will be crucial as they face the challenges of the group stage. The Georgian squad, led by experienced players and guided by a capable coaching staff, can look back on their journey to remind themselves of what is possible with determination and belief.


Furthermore, the legacy of key players and the influence of their manager will continue to shape the philosophy of Georgian football. The emphasis on technical skill, disciplined defending, and effective teamwork remains central to the Georgian approach. The current team can build on this legacy, ensuring that the principles of their successful qualification campaign are upheld and refined.


The passionate support of Georgian fans, known for their unwavering loyalty and vibrant presence, will play a crucial role. The bond between the players and their supporters can create a formidable atmosphere, motivating the team to strive for excellence and aim for a successful debut campaign.



The 2024 European Championship and Georgia’s historic debut is a story of resilience, ambition, and national pride. For Georgia, it remains a source of inspiration and a reminder of the heights they can reach with determination and unity. As the team looks ahead to Euro 2024, the memories of their qualifying journey will serve as a powerful motivator to write a new chapter in Georgian football history, one that fans hope will be filled with triumph and celebration.


Georgia’s journey to Euro 2024 showcases the nation’s ability to compete at the highest level and the enduring spirit of its players and fans. It is a testament to the passion and dedication that define Georgian football, providing a beacon of hope for future generations. As Georgia prepares to take on Europe, the legacy of their qualification will undoubtedly guide and inspire them to achieve greatness, reinforcing the belief that they can conquer any challenge that comes their way.


By: Juanjo Montero / @JJMont3ro

Featured Image: @GabFoligno / Quality Sport Images / Getty Images