Corruption in the Betting Industry and How Is it Fought

Many people associate the concept of corruption only with government and power structures. However, the betting business also suffers from this phenomenon. Most often, bookmakers are faced with match-fixing and rigging of results. Moreover, such actions harm the betting platform itself. Another side of corruption is the presence of illegal bookmakers on the market, which local authorities, for some reason, do not fight. In this post, we will analyze all aspects of this problem.


How to Find a Legit Bookmaker


First, it is worth talking about the illegal functioning of bookmakers. The Kenyan authorities have recently taken the necessary measures to block unlawful businesses. In addition, the legalization of the gambling business contributes to forming legal companies in the local market. 


However, users can still run into unscrupulous companies. To avoid this, read reviews and testimonials about bookmakers on reliable third-party sites, such as Don’t be tempted by lucrative offers. If all users ignore illegal bookmakers, such companies will leave the market.


Corruption in Sports


Unfortunately, match-fixing does exist. It is not a myth; this is reality, and many suffer from it. The sport is becoming dishonest. Bettors make bets and do not know that everything is predetermined. Bookmakers also do not know this and, therefore, incur losses by paying winnings to the organizers of the agreements.


First, you must remember two principles the bookmaker puts at the forefront of its fight against match-fixing. It is detection and notification. Through these two words, a real fight is being waged against the syndicates that organize match-fixing.

Signs of a Fixed Match


All bookmakers are actively fighting match-fixing; the detection technology has been developed for a long time, and there is no secret in it. Every fixed match has signs that directly indicate that the result is predetermined. Let’s talk about them in more detail.


  • An abnormal volume of bets on the outcome. The bookmaker can always see and compare the volume of bets on a sporting event. If the average bet on a minor league match is always the same amount, and then suddenly the volume of bets has sharply increased several times or even higher, such a meeting will arouse suspicion.
  • Lots of bets from recently registered accounts. If people begin to register and bet on the same outcome actively, this will become an additional reason for the investigation.
  • Strange line movements all over the world. Bookmakers closely monitor each other and the odds for matches. If one bookmaker moves the line sharply, others will follow because no one wants an influx of unfair users into their company.
  • Bets from relatives of match participants. Yes, the bookmaker’s security service may know such facts. We conduct our own investigations and flag accounts that need to be monitored.


Bookmaker’s Actions


What will the bookmaker do if he sees signs of a deal? First, he will remove the outcome from the line and void the bets. Then, the principle of notification comes into force. First, operators notify the federation and league, and then the matter may reach law enforcement agencies. The bookmaker’s work is done, and everything depends on the federation and its system of combating match-fixing.


For example, UEFA has a whole approach to identifying match-fixing. This algorithm includes a system for detecting fraud, educational programs, a department of anti-corruption officers in football, special reporting platforms, cooperation with the police, and much more. Yes, not all fixed matches become the subject of investigation, but there is a tendency to improve the situation.


Bookmakers are also happy to enter into partnership agreements with specialized organizations that fight against match-fixing. On the one hand, such companies become partners of bookmakers, and on the other, partners of sports leagues and federations. They act as an intermediary between the bookmaker and the sports federation. The Kenyan sports authorities propose strengthening responsibility for match-fixing and introducing special measures to combat this phenomenon.


Money Laundering in Gambling


Another significant problem is the laundering of proceeds from crime. Money laundering is the process by which illegally obtained money is converted into legitimate cash. It works roughly like this: the criminal finds an intermediary, like a bookmaker, deposits money there, makes several bets, and then withdraws the funds. It is how laundering occurs. After this, representatives of the authorities cannot make any claims to the violator.


Bookmakers and law enforcement officials constantly develop new methods to identify such trends. Bookmaker programs have algorithms that allow them to detect suspicious activity, but they are still far from ideal.




Every year, bookmakers are becoming more and more savvy in identifying match-fixing. Of course, the problem of proving the contractual nature of the meeting remains, but at least companies can protect themselves and their clients from losing money. At the same time, the fight against corruption is being waged at all levels, from the government to sports organizations. Bookmakers significantly contribute to this fight and often help identify dishonest athletes and prevent further violations.