Football films and books: exploring cultural influences

Football is one of the most popular sporting disciplines in the world. But its influence is not just limited to the pitch and the stands, but is also evident in the number of bets in bonus strike and other platforms. It permeates various areas of culture, including film and literature, creating unique reflections and interpretations of the game, its participants and its consequences.


In this article, we will do a little research into the cultural impact of football on British society. Be sure to our article to the end, it will be interesting!


The history of football culture in film and literature


Initially, football was not a familiar subject for film or literature. However, its popularity and impact on society attracted the attention of creative individuals, which led to the first references to football in film and literature. Early works such as The Football Match (1898) by the Lumière brothers and Tom Brown’s School Days (1857) by Thomas Hughes shed light on the initial stages of the realisation of football themes in art.


The evolution of the representation of football in film and literature reflects changes in the public perception of the game itself. Whereas previously football was often presented as entertainment for schoolchildren or an amateur game, in contemporary films and books we often see deep socio-cultural aspects such as politics, race and social issues.


Books about football have played and continue to play an important role in shaping fan culture and perceptions of the game. From novels about legendary matches and players to biographies and specialised books on tactics and strategy, football literature covers a wide range of topics, reflecting the deep passions and meanings associated with the sport.


Analysing the impact of football films and books on society


Football culture in film and literature has a significant impact on society, shaping perceptions of the game itself, its participants and its consequences. Analysing this influence allows us to understand how football films and books shape perceptions of the game and sport in general.


  1. Football in popular culture. Film and literature are powerful tools for shaping education about football in society. Films about football, being accessible to a wide audience, create certain stereotypes about the sport, its participants and its importance in people’s lives.
  2. Books about football as a source of inspiration. Often books about football go beyond simply describing the game and the players. They can be a source of inspiration and motivation for readers, especially for young athletes who dream of a career in this field. Autobiographies of footballers, books on coaching wisdom, and historical novels about football heroes all contribute to a positive image of football and its role in people’s lives.
  3. Films and books about football stars. The sport is often not just a game, but an important element of social identity. Films and books about the game can reflect this by presenting characters whose life stories and values are closely linked to football culture.


Research into the impact of football films and books on society emphasises the importance of the arts in shaping cultural norms and values. In the next part of the paper we will take a critical look at the representation of football in art and analyse problematic aspects of its representation.


A critical perspective on the representation of football in art


Apart from the obvious advantages and positive aspects, films and books about football are also subject to criticism for their sometimes distorted representation of the game, the unjustified role of athletes and the socio-cultural aspects associated with it. A critical perspective allows us to discover and analyse problematic moments in the portrayal of football culture in art.


  1. Stereotypes and archetypes. One of the main problems can be the use of stereotypes and archetypes in the creation of characters and plots. For example, often in films and books footballers are portrayed as rude, uneducated or aggressive individuals, which does not correspond to reality. Such generalisations can lead to negative perceptions of the sport and its participants.
  2. Political and social aspects. Football often becomes a platform for expressing political and social issues. However, some films and books may present such aspects in a distorted or simplistic way, leading to misconceptions and misunderstandings of complex societal realities.
  3. Critique and analysis. An important step is to undertake criticism and analysis of football works in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This provides a basis for discussing and improving the representation of football in the arts, as well as a deeper understanding of its role in society.




Football films and books play a continuously significant role in culture and society, depicting and influencing perceptions of the game, its participants and socio-cultural aspects. In the course of this paper, we have examined the history of football culture in film and literature, analysed the impact of football works on society and identified some problematic issues in its representation.