Football players’ fees versus casino waiters’ salaries

For many people in the UK, their interest in online casinos goes beyond just gambling. non-gamstop casino provide unique opportunities for players who want to test their luck and adrenaline. But what is the reality of this industry, and how does it compare to another popular entertainment area – football? In this analysis, we will try to compare the salaries of footballers with the salaries of casino waiters in the UK, and explore how these differences affect the economy and society.


Income comparison: from sports arenas to casinos


The gambling industry and the sports industry have a lot in common: they attract millions of spectators and fans, they generate huge profits and taxes, they create jobs and invest in social projects. However, these two areas also have many differences, especially regarding the income of participants in both areas.


According to a Deloitte report, the English Premier League earned £5.95 billion in 2022, up 8% from the previous season. This makes it the richest football league in the world, ahead of Spain’s La Liga and Germany’s Bundesliga. The majority of this revenue comes from television rights, commercial agreements and ticket sales. These revenues are in turn distributed to the clubs, who spend them on purchasing and maintaining players, coaches, staff and infrastructure.


On the other hand, the UK gambling industry earned £14.3 billion in 2022, up 4.5% on the previous year. This makes it one of the largest and most regulated industries in the country, which includes online casinos, bookmakers, lotteries, bingo and other forms of gambling. Most of these revenues come from the online segment, which accounts for 39% of the total. These revenues are in turn distributed to operators, who spend them on game development and support, marketing, licensing, taxes and charity.


Million-dollar deals and fees: football players in the spotlight


Footballers playing in the English Premier League are among the highest paid athletes in the world. According to research from Sporting Intelligence, the average salary for a Premier League footballer in 2022 was £3.2 million a year, or £61,000 a week. This is 2.5 times more than the average salary of a football player in the second most important division – the Championship, and 10 times more than the average salary of a football player in the third division – League One.


However, these figures are only averages, and in reality the gap between top and average footballers is even greater. According to the Forbes ranking, in 2022 the highest paid football player in the world was Manchester City striker Kevin De Bruyne, who earned $95.6 million, of which $31 million were fees and $64.6 million from advertising contracts. In second place was Manchester United striker Cristiano Ronaldo, who earned $91.5 million, of which $70 million came from fees and $21.5 million from advertising contracts. In third place is PSG striker Lionel Messi, who earned $80 million, of which $48 million came from fees and $32 million from advertising contracts.


These three players are the exception, not the rule, and most players in the Premier League earn much less. According to Spotrac, the lowest paid footballer in the Premier League in 2022 was Norwich City defender Sam Byram, who earned £156,000 a year, or £3,000 a week. This is 20 times less than the average salary of a football player in the Premier League, and 600 times less than Kevin De Bruyne’s fee.


The Reality of Casino Salaries: From Entry Level to Industry Veterans


Casino waiters working in the UK are among the lowest paid workers in the gambling industry. According to Indeed, the average salary for a casino waiter in the UK in 2022 was £18,500 per year, or £355 per week. This is 2 times less than the average salary in the UK, and 173 times less than the average salary of a football player in the Premier League.


  • However, these figures are only basic, and in reality, the income of casino waiters may vary depending on various factors.
  • One such factor is tips, which can account for up to 50% of a casino waiter’s total income. Tips depend on the generosity and mood of the clients, as well as on the level and quality of service.
  • Another factor is the work environment, which can be stressful, stressful and unsafe. Casino waiters must work at night, surrounded by noise, smoke and alcohol, and also be prepared for conflicts, aggression and violence from clients or colleagues.
  • The third factor is career opportunities, which may be limited but not impossible. Casino waiters can move up the ranks to become senior casino waiters, supervisors, managers or even casino directors.




In conclusion, we can say that footballers’ fees and casino waiters’ salaries in the UK are very different from each other, and this is reflected in the economy and society. Football players earn hundreds of times more than casino waiters, and this creates social inequality, discontent and discrimination. Casino waiters face low wages, harsh working conditions and limited career prospects. This is unfair and has a negative impact on their well-being and self-esteem. We hope that our analysis was useful and interesting to you, and that you agree with our conclusions and suggestions.