Top Trends in Sports Betting

Sports betting is a dynamic industry. New trends come and go or become the new norm. What was popular five years ago may not be a trend today. Evolutions in sports betting are coming up, especially at the onset of the Covid pandemic. Bookmakers had to make necessary adjustments to accommodate the influx of fans at home who needed something to keep them busy. This in turn made the Online casino industry boom.


Here is a detailed look at notable sport betting trends we have observed as we head towards the close of 2021, bringing a new twist to sports betting.


5 Top Trends in Sport Betting

Rise of e-Sports


E-sports has been growing steadily over the last few years. The online Casino industry flourished during the 2020 lockdown period after stadia became empty, leagues shut down, and new games to play at home were introduced. E-sports is something noteworthy that every bettor seems to take a keen look at. The sport has a unique authenticity and a thrilling gaming experience. Punters can now focus on esports matches and make live bets on competitive esports teams.


Its first big boom was felt in the UK and later flushed to the entire world due to easy access through mobile phones and tablets and is an excellent convenience to many gamblers. E-sports developers are relentless and are continually developing new and exciting games. It is a fast-growing betting category, and we can only look forward to seeing an e-Sports event in the future.


Player Tracking


The growth and application of AI in sports betting are gaining popularity through player tracking. It is a source of real-time player data available for bettors to use when analyzing sports bets. The trend is growing in that gamblers can tell the player’s fitness and activity level before and during the match, but how do punters use this data?


More data means better decision-making. Player data guides a sports bettor to gauge a team’s average strength, which could better estimate winning probability. Punters are keen with this information at their fingers to place different betting categories. It’s a growing trend in the betting market, but it’s catching bettors’ attention on a high note. It will ultimately change how bettors analyze sports data.


Last-Minute Betting


A few years ago, live-match betting was unheard of. Today punters can bet easily last-minute to increase their chances of making a win. Gamblers started by placing bets, minutes to the beginning of the game but could not tell how the game would unfold. Bookmakers flexed their muscles to allow betting minutes after the game started, and today last-minute betting is a new norm.


Last-minute betting has become seamless due to gaming software from renowned brands in the gaming industry. The new system works well and is compatible with any device, whether a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Last-minute betting is preferable for newbies to improve their predictions as the game continues.


Free Bets and Bonuses


Bookmakers are now giving free bets and bonuses to new signups and loyal users as customer service due to increased competition in the sports betting industry. This new trend allows sports betting to try new betting strategies without risking their money. New signups to sportsbook receive a welcome bonus and free bets.


This trend is almost in each bookmaker. It works well for newbies and returning bettors to help them familiarize themselves with any changes to the game’s terms and conditions. The free bets come at a price, though. Bettors must familiarize themselves with the sportsbook terms, conditions, and wagering requirements before place the bet.


More Live Streams


Betting companies are providing a thrilling user experience through live stream betting. Punters can watch the game live on the betting site platform and place a bet in real-time. Bettors using this betting category can see live events unfold and adjust their betting decisions. Bettors are now incorporating live stream betting with player data tracking to make informed decisions.


Live streaming has been there for a while; however, betting companies are spicing it up with live betting to boost their chance of winning. Live stream betting has additional betting flexibility and a more exciting user experience giving players the benefit of doubt and increasing their chances of winning.


By: Juren Quiros