Ukraine: The Emotional and Resilient Journey in the 2020 European Championship

Ukraine, a nation with a passionate footballing culture, has faced immense challenges in recent years due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. Despite the political and social turmoil, the Ukrainian national football team has become a symbol of resilience and hope. The 2020 European Championship, held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, provided a poignant and dramatic chapter in Ukraine’s football history. The team’s journey in this tournament showcased their fighting spirit and the unifying power of football amid adversity.


The 2020 European Championship was a unique event, not only because of the delay caused by the pandemic but also due to its pan-European format, with matches played in multiple countries. For Ukraine, the tournament came at a time of significant national stress, with the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 casting a long shadow over the nation.



Managed by legendary former player Andriy Shevchenko, the Ukrainian national team had shown promise during the qualifying rounds, finishing top of their group ahead of Portugal. The squad featured a mix of experienced players and emerging talents, including Oleksandr Zinchenko, Ruslan Malinovskyi, and Roman Yaremchuk. Expectations were cautiously optimistic, with hopes that the team could make a strong showing despite the external pressures.


Ukraine was placed in Group C alongside the Netherlands, Austria, and North Macedonia. The group stage presented a challenging but navigable path to the knockout stages, and the Ukrainian team was determined to make their mark.


Ukraine’s campaign in the 2020 European Championship began with a thrilling match against the Netherlands. Played in Amsterdam, the game was a rollercoaster of emotions. The Netherlands took a commanding 2-0 lead, but Ukraine mounted a remarkable comeback with goals from Andriy Yarmolenko and Roman Yaremchuk to level the match at 2-2.


Just as it seemed Ukraine might secure an unexpected draw, the Netherlands scored a late winner, ending the match 3-2. Despite the loss, Ukraine’s spirited performance earned them admiration and boosted their confidence.


In their second group match against North Macedonia, Ukraine secured a crucial 2-1 victory. Goals from Andriy Yarmolenko and Roman Yaremchuk again proved decisive, showcasing their attacking prowess. The win was celebrated passionately by Ukrainian fans, both in the stadium and back home, as a symbol of national pride and resilience.



The final group match against Austria was a tense and tightly contested affair. Austria managed to secure a 1-0 victory, leaving Ukraine’s fate in the hands of the other group results. Fortunately, Ukraine advanced to the knockout stages as one of the best third-placed teams, marking a significant achievement given the circumstances.


In the Round of 16, Ukraine faced Sweden in Glasgow. The match was a dramatic and hard-fought encounter, showcasing the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian team. Oleksandr Zinchenko gave Ukraine the lead with a stunning strike, but Sweden equalized before halftime.


The match went into extra time, and in the dying moments, Artem Dovbyk scored a dramatic winner, securing a 2-1 victory and sending Ukraine to their first-ever European Championship quarter-final. The goal was a moment of immense joy and relief for Ukrainian fans, providing a rare moment of national celebration amid the ongoing conflict.


In the quarter-finals, Ukraine faced England in Rome. Despite their valiant efforts, the Ukrainian team was outclassed by a strong English side, suffering a 4-0 defeat. The loss marked the end of Ukraine’s remarkable journey in the tournament, but their achievements were celebrated as a testament to their resilience and fighting spirit.



The 2020 European Championship had a profound and lasting impact on Ukrainian football and society. The national team’s performance in the tournament provided a significant boost to national morale and demonstrated the unifying power of football. Amid the ongoing conflict and political turmoil, the success of the Ukrainian team served as a source of hope and pride for the nation.


Andriy Shevchenko’s leadership was instrumental in guiding the team through the tournament. His tactical acumen, ability to inspire his players, and deep understanding of the game were crucial to Ukraine’s success. Shevchenko’s status as a national hero was further cemented, and his legacy as both a player and a manager continues to inspire future generations of Ukrainian footballers.


The performances of key players like Oleksandr Zinchenko, Andriy Yarmolenko, and Roman Yaremchuk were also significant. Their contributions on the pitch highlighted the talent and potential within the Ukrainian squad. Zinchenko’s versatility, Yarmolenko’s creativity, and Yaremchuk’s goal-scoring ability provided a strong foundation for the team’s success.


The dramatic victory over Sweden in the Round of 16 became an iconic moment in Ukrainian football history. Artem Dovbyk’s late winner was celebrated as a symbol of the team’s resilience and determination. The goal provided a much-needed moment of joy and unity for the Ukrainian people, reinforcing the importance of football as a source of national pride.


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The success of Euro 2020 also had broader implications for Ukrainian football development. The increased visibility and success of the national team led to greater investment in youth academies, facilities, and coaching. This commitment to development has helped to nurture the next generation of Ukrainian talent and ensure the continued growth of football in the country.


As Ukraine prepares for EURO 2024, the story of their remarkable journey in the 2020 European Championship serves as a powerful source of inspiration. The current generation of Ukrainian players can draw on the resilience, determination, and unity displayed by their predecessors. The narrative of their performance in 2020 highlights the importance of believing in one’s potential and playing with heart and conviction.


The lessons learned from 2020, including the value of strong leadership, teamwork, and composure under pressure, remain relevant today. The Ukrainian squad, led by experienced players and guided by a capable coaching staff, can look back on this chapter of their history to remind themselves of what is possible with determination and belief.


Furthermore, the legacy of players like Oleksandr Zinchenko and Andriy Yarmolenko continues to influence Ukrainian football philosophy. The emphasis on technical skill, disciplined defending, and effective teamwork remains central to the Ukrainian approach. The current team can build on this legacy, ensuring that the principles of the 2020 team are upheld and refined.


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The passionate support of the Ukrainian fans, known for their unwavering loyalty and vibrant presence, will once again play a crucial role. The bond between the players and their supporters can create a formidable atmosphere, motivating the team to strive for excellence and aim for another successful campaign.


The 2020 European Championship and Ukraine’s remarkable journey is a story of resilience, ambition, and national pride. For Ukraine, it remains a source of inspiration and a reminder of the heights they can reach with determination and unity. As the team looks ahead to EURO 2024, the memories of 2020 will serve as a powerful motivator to write a new chapter in Ukrainian football history, one that fans hope will be filled with triumph and celebration.


Ukraine’s journey in the 2020 European Championship showcases the nation’s ability to compete at the highest level and the enduring spirit of its players and fans. It is a testament to the passion and dedication that define Ukrainian football, providing a beacon of hope for future generations. As Ukraine prepares to take on Europe once more, the legacy of 2020 will undoubtedly guide and inspire them to achieve greatness, reinforcing the belief that they can conquer any challenge that comes their way.


By: Juanjo Montero / @JJMont3ro

Featured Image: @GabFoligno / Getty Images